Saturday, November 29, 2008

It Makes You Laugh

When people are trying to use a language that is not their first one, occasionally they make a nonsense of it. As an example, in a local supermarket they were selling a range of cakes which had the word spelt cack. You could have plain cack, almond cack, butter cack or walnut cack. A week later the spelling had been put right. I had to smile at the prospect of whoever told the perpetrator the meaning cack has in the UK.

In a bakery I saw a range of toasts on sale - you could have sugar toast, garlic toast, shredded pork toast or chili paste shredded pork toast. I went outside to heave at the very thought of inflicting these delicacies on my digestive system. See photos for more cringeworthy delicacies that Thai Bakeries are dumping on their customers. I will give these a wide berth.

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