Thursday, April 30, 2009

Khao Lak a great place

After the fun of Bangkok with the Farangutans I made my way to a lovely little ex fishing village called Khao Lak. I say ex as it is now a diving centre bordering on a tourist destination for people wanting a quiet and beautiful location. Khao Lak is located some 100km north of Phuket and was destroyed by the Tsunami in 2004 - see photo 3. Since then it has been rebuilt and looks quaint, pristine, attractive and devoid of rubbish or graffiti.

From Khao Lak a speedboat took me to the Similan Islands. I spent 2 days around the Islands doing some diving in what is apparently some of the best diving sites in the world. After seeing such beautifully coloured coral and heaps of fish I would concur with that opinion. I stayed overnight in a tent on the Similan Island itself. The electricity is turned on for 4 hours a night only but was put on again at 2.00am so as football fans could watch Manchester United play in the Champions League. The whole world stops for football. The first 3 photos in this post plus all the photos under, "Similan Islands The Fish I Met," were copied after raiding the internet. The last photo is of the speedboat that carried me out to the Similans, taking around 1.5 hours from Khao Lak.
I will be going back to the Similans in October after the rainy season as the visibility is better and the colours, I'm told, are crisper, cleaner and brighter. Looking forward to that.

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